Written by Monica Bizzini on 31 December 2020

We have reached the end of this “anomalous” year. If we look back we do not only see negative things, on the contrary we have understood that the unexpected helps the daring to find new tools to deal with them.
We do not want to downplay the problem, a pandemic was something unimaginable and the first and most important goal was and is to preserve our health, our loved ones and all the people we meet, so we have taken all necessary measures to avoid contagions.
We still want to see things optimistically, not by asking ourselves what we have lost this year, but by emphasizing what we have gained:
– we spent more time with our families, it is all precious time that was given to us and that in the daily work frenzy often escapes us;
– we have learned to use new tools to be always present and close to our customers, so we have increased online sales and made several tastings and presentations of our products via zoom-call;
– we tried to help the local economy by ordering take-away meals and we “played” by matching our wines to the dishes purchased by photographing and posting the result;
– we made several wine presentation videos to increase our YouTube channel (we can still improve on this…);
– we hired staff for the harvest on the recommendation of some local associations that help immigrant people, so we had a truly multi-ethnic team of grape harvesters: a wealth of different cultures!
What, then? Like every year, this year too, with all its difficulties, has come to an end. We will always remember the empty cities, the Pope who says mass in a deserted St. Peter’s Square, the silence in the streets broken only by the sound of ambulances, the images on TV of hospital wards, the numbers of infections and deaths…. But we will also remember the beauty of nature that was able to express itself as never before in the lockdown period, demonstrating that a flower always grows under the snow and the sun always comes out after the storm.
The past period must teach us something, so that each of us can be part of the solution, not of the problem.
We see the past as an opportunity, respecting those who have lost loved ones or their jobs, and we look to the future with optimism.
Our hope is that you can do the same. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021