Fairs & Events

Alba International White Truffle Fair 2024

Written by Monica Bizzini on 28 August 2024

Don’t miss the 94 edition of the Alba International White Truffle Fair.

The theme of this year’s fair is ‘Natural Intelligence’, focusing on concrete initiatives to protect our species and ensure the future of the truffle, the fair’s aim is to take small and exemplary actions such as the care and maintenance of forests, the planting of new trees to ensure biodiversity and CO2 absorption.

The belonging of our territory to wine-growing landscapes of UNESCO World Heritage Site, encourages us to think about protection and enhancement, and obliges us to listen to the messages sent by the Natural Intelligence of plants and the fruits of our nature, raising our awareness and urging us to take responsibility.

We contrast Artificial Intelligence with Natural intelligence without being clear about the contours that define it and the species to which we ascribe it. Rethinking the Earth, becoming aware of how “intelligent” it is, is a theme that has been explored in previous editions. It can help us to better understand Artificial Intelligence.

During the nine weeks of the International Alba White Truffle Fair, the relationship between natural and artificial intelligence will be explored, examining the evolution of the latter and its potential applications.

The Fair will begin on October 12th and will finish Sunday December 8th, it’s open every Saturdays and Sundays and also Friday November 1st.

The essence of the Fair is the Alba White Truffle World Market; during this event, the Alba Truffle Show takes place: a Show Cooking with the great chefs, the Truffle Sensory Analysis, the Wine Tasting Experience®, the fresh pasta atelier and workshop on typical local products.

But the fair is also made of folklore: on October 5th and 6th the great historical re-enactments and the donkey palio will be held, then on October 19th and 20th there will be the famous Boroughs Bacchanal.

It’s confirmed and increase its educational purposes the Alba Truffle Kids, with a pavilion dedicated to children and their families.

The fair is open from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm – Alba, Maddalena court

For information and events program, have a look here